Sunday, December 18, 2011

A beautiful Christmas.

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We have recently been talking about what really beautiful is...on a few different venues, and truly that is what my life's passion has become. Beautiful is dear family and friends. Beautiful is living in a country where are free to worship as we choose, founded on the principles of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, men raised by devoted praying moms whose principles were immovable. Beautiful is kindness. Beautiful is seeing life through Philippians 4:8.
Beautiful is being with people who celebrate you and  who you are, flaws and all! Beautiful is blessing others with encouragement: Practicing Hospitality, Romans 12:13!
This brings us to the most recent "Blessing" we had in our home, the 15th Birthday Blessing for my son born on December 16th. My Christmastime baby, above. Essentially we shower words of blessing (in everyone's own way) over the honoree.  It never ceases to amaze me how powerful the simple act of encouraging others with the truth of who God created them to be is!
 Hannah reading her sweet words to her brother. It was so encouraging that we couldn't all keep from smiling. Because they are normal siblings, I think Justin treasured the uplifting words his big sister read. 
 My wonderful mother in law, darling sister in law, both of whom I treasure, me, my sweet niece, Hannah and my mom...beautiful and real. As families go we are not a perfect one, but  acknowledging that frees us up to be authentic and  beautiful in our walk with our creator. 
Beautiful touches....simple, but warm and enveloping are usually my goal. I have to admit though, since Christmas is my favorite time of year, I might tend to go overboard. (If my husband was reading this now, he'd be rolling his eyes saying," You think?") I think a tiny Christmas tree (saved from year to year, so very economical) in every room is just so pretty! All those sparkly lights (love!!!) are so festive. 
I have these gorgeous magnolia wreaths and garlands that go up every year at Christmas time, here above my range. When we lived in Spain, where my daughter was born we got the cute vinagre poster. Being quite sentimental I love when little touches from important places or events are ever-present. 
This picture describes Christmas in our home perfectly! Celebrating the birth of Christ...Light!!!
The men of the family who richly blessed Justin by their words of encouragement. I will share some of my heartfelt words for my son, and actually for young boys across our nation as well. As my husband begins Iron27, the "MALE" counterpart to, I am thrilled for my son to get to experience some of the similar mentoring my daughter has through Inspired! Surrounding our kids with great examples, is such an "inspired" part of God's plan.
From Justin's Blessing..."My greatest hope for you is that you pray daily to discover what it is that HE wants you to do with the gifts HE gave you. Did you know that I pray for you every morning and when I go to bed at night that you would reach your fullest potential: not according to the World’s very average standards, but according to scripture. I believe deep in my heart that the Lord has strengthened your spiritual muscles because HE is preparing you for great things. You are seeking to please an audience of one, God! May you never let what another person thinks of you change the magnitude of the plan has for you!"

May you have a beautiful day...contemplating the truly beautiful.
With much love, Roxanne

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for the love of a house said...

What a lovely birthday tradition Roxanne. I really love it and can only imagine the love that one feels being the recipient! Happy Birthday to your very handsome son! Your home looks gorgeous decorated for the holidays. I must confess though, that I am having a difficult time taking my eyes off of your amazingly stunning stove;)

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

p.s. thank you so much for leaving your "calliing card!"

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